No one knows 100% how to manage a business, so seek advice from others

Jan Normann Nilsen

Our four main pillars

Business development

You know where you want to go and we will help you get there. We have specialist expertise, experience and solid methods for business development within various industries.

Future working life

We offer advice on the utilization of existing infrastructure and/or help with the investigation of the potential that lies in new investment areas.

Property development

Facilitation of development projects. We have experience from transaction-oriented business within property and corporate finance.

Future analysis

How to make the right decisions in a rapidly changing market? Our future analysis aims to give our customers an improved competitiveness in their sector.

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Experience shows that we all have an inherent desire to develop and become better. After many years in management, I am convinced that we all want growth, innovation and development both personally and in a work context!

In the working life of the future, these will be important success factors for companies to have increased growth and competitive advantage. Changes and challenges in connection with Covid-19 will challenge society and the business market in the years to come.

Jan Normann Nilsen has held leading positions in the private and public sector for 33 years. 

Jan Nilsen lager mat ved fjorden

A tougher working life

Working life has become tougher for both managers and employees in recent years. The competition has intensified. Reorganizations and downsizing have become part of everyday life whether we like it or not.

Our contribution spans a wide field, from individual guidance to courses for the entire staff. We have expertise in implementing change and development processes within business and property development

«Our keywords are:

Creativity, growth and innovation!

Few companies have all the necessary expertise in-house. If you recognice yourself in some of the arguments below, you could benefit from a business adviser 

Jan Normann Nilsen

Why use a business advisor?


You want to improve both the efficiency and profitability of an existing business or enterprise.


You want expertise and advice in areas that are outside the company’s core competence.


You see a number of unrealized opportunities in the employees and the company that you want help to capitalize on.

Choice of path

You have identified future growth areas, but found it challenging to decide how to take the company forward on your own.

Objectives and strategy

You want help to design clear ambitious goals and strategies to achieve them

New business areas

You are considering entering new business areas and want help from a business adviser who has expertise knowledge of the area in question.


You want a problem solver who can see your company from the outside, as well as provide constructive advice for growth and further development.

You want to be challenged

Those who are most open to advice often deliver better than those who have to «manage everything themselves»

Routines and system

Your company wants better routines and systems that can help to streamline and simplify the working day of your employees.